San Diego Modernism: Furniture and Arts for Daily Living at Palm Springs Modernism - Tues Feb, 21st @ 1PM San Diego's unique culture of post-WWII art, design and architecture remains one of American modernism's best kept secrets. Dave Hampton reveals how it shaped the ‘California Design’ program. Photo: Doors by Svetozar Radakovich and Carl-Ekstrom, photo by Lynn Fayman Designed to complement and contextualize the film and panel discussion following this presentation, Jack Rogers Hopkins: California Design Maverick (below), Dave Hampton will talk about the design and making of Furniture and Architectural Elements –murals, doors, grilles, lanterns, windows, fountains, gates, handles, fireplace surrounds, etc.– in San Diego, connecting this work to San Diego's unique culture of modernism and architecture, from Irving Gill to Lloyd Ruocco, Sim Bruce Richards and Kendrick Bangs Kellogg, and illustrate furniture by John Dirks; Larry Hunter; Jack Rogers Hopkins; Wendy Maruyama; D...