
Weekend / Stuff

  Japanese vase, Mary Wright bowl, Val Robbins bird

Weekend / Stuff

John Caruthers and Jack Boyd  Alvar Aalto More Aalto and Luther Conover James Grant, Doug Ayers, Archie Kaplan, Robert McKeown Knoll x 3  

Weekend / Stuff

Doyle Lane Bill Curry for Design Line and Peter Pepper Products table by Howard McNab & Don Savage  Architectural Fiberglass, Architectural Pottery ashtray and Earthgender I finally found a Byron Temple in the wild. You should have seen the pile of garbage I pulled it out of.

Weekend / Stuff

Kai Winding for Poul Hundevad blanket chest Jens Quistgaard Rare Woods tray and some tatami mats

Weekend / Stuff

  Malibu Furniture Company Robert Maxwell x 2

Antonin Raymond / Summer House

Summer House by Noémi & Antonin Raymond (1933) in Karuizawa, Japan The Raymonds designed the house for their own use as a summer retreat. It has changed ownerships many times over the years and was moved to the current site in 1986. It's now a museum dedicated to French illustrator Raymond Peynet.  The Raymonds spent over 40 years living and working in Japan. Antonin was Czech and Noémi was born in France. Antonin moved to America in 1910 and worked as a draftsman. He moved back to Europe for a short time but returned stateside where he met Noémi. Then in 1916, the couple began working for Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin. After a stint in the Army, Wright asked Antonin to go to Tokyo with him to work on the Imperial Hotel.  In 1921 Antonin left Frank Lloyd Wright to open his own office in Tokyo. By the sound of this letter, Wright wasn't very happy about it.  Source:  Crafting a Modern World: The Designs of Antonin and Noemi Raymond by Kurt Helfrich, William Whitaker Staff

Weekend / Stuff

Sori Yanagi x 2 I'm up to three of these Katsuo Matsumura tables This one took a train trip from a beautiful seaside town in Japan to a suitcase on JAL.  I always say i'm not going to buy books when I travel.  How about finding a Tropi-Cal catalog in Japan?