The David and Gladys Wright House (1952) by Frank Lloyd Wright The house was originally designed in wood, but Frank's son David, who commissioned the house, was in the concrete block business. Pops agreed to the change. The spiral design is a precursor to the Guggenheim Museum in NY. The pool, which was part of the original design, will be reinstalled. So will the planter boxes on the ramp. Source: (Courtesy of the Frank LloydWright Foundation) via the a pplication for landmark status . Wright adapted the design for the carpet from of a series of Liberty Magazine covers in 1926-28 entitled "March Balloons". The rug in the house now is a replacement. Ling Po, Frank Lloyd Wright's chief renderer and graphic artist, who drew the March Balloons rug based on Wright's sketches was used to remake it. The original sold at LAMA in 2010 for $20K. It ended up with film producer and FLW collector, Joel Silver. The original furniture wa