Frank Bros / LB

Frank Bros.: The Store that Modernized Modern, at the University Art Museum at CSULB Curated by Cara Mullio and Jennifer M. Volland. The exhibition sources the Frank Brothers archives at the Getty Research Institute and the Frank family collection. Photo: Julius Shulman, Frank Bros.: The Store that Modernized Modern Unlike the Eames, the Frank Bros. were actually brothers. Maurice and Edward Frank joined forces to continue on with the family's furniture business. They opened Frank Bros in Long Beach in 1938. It was first located in downtown, and then relocated to Long Beach Boulevard, where it remained until 1982. It was one of the great retail entities bringing modern to the masses in post-war America. A wall of the store's Arts & Architecture magazine ads. I didn't see this one in the exhibition, but with Maurice Martine, Eero Saarinen and Jens Risom, it's one of my favorites. Source: Arts & Architecture Fr...