Greta Grossman / Pasadena Museum of California Art

The Pasadena Museum of California Art (PMCA) presents Greta Magnusson Grossman: A Car and Some Shorts,
a retrospective on design by Greta Magnusson Grossman (1906-1999). The exhibit runs until February 24, 2013.

No photos!

Good thing the PMCA posted some nice photos of their opening event for the exhibit.
Much of the exhibit came from the Grossman estate, via R Gallery. There is a ton of ephemera, original drawings,
rare designs and one of a kind prototypes.
If I could take one thing home, it would be that prototype lamp in the case with the Grossman textiles.
Image Source: The Pasadena Museum of California Art

There's Evan Snyderman from R Gallery.
Image Source: The Pasadena Museum of California Art

Image Source: The Pasadena Museum of California Art

I don't know who all these people are, but I do know that ultra rare cone / cobra floor lamp
was lent to the exhibition by David Skelley from Boomerang for Modern.
Image Source: The Pasadena Museum of California Art

Why so sad? He looks like he's in Grossman screen prison.
I hope he didn't just come to the realization that he sold one of these at a garage sale.
Image Source: The Pasadena Museum of California Art

Gerard O'Brien, Reform Gallery and Evan, R Gallery.
These two have been a major force in bringing greater attention to Grossman and lifting her work
into the upper tiers of the design world. Not to mention they have handled some of her best pieces over the years.
Image Source: The Pasadena Museum of California Art

These three prototypes are all in the exhibit.
It baffles me to no end why they didn't put that lamp into production,
Source: Great Magunusson Grossman: A Car and Some Shorts
Also, if you haven't been to the CALIFORNIA'S DESIGNING WOMEN: 1896–1986,
the MUSEUM OF CALIFORNIA DESIGN exhibition at The Autry Museum in Los Angeles, you only have
until January 6, 2013 to see it. There's more Grossman there, along with a ton of other great design.