Architecture / San Diego

Yes, San Diego is sunny in the winter and has some nice beaches.

There's also some great architecture, like the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (1964) by Lloyd Ruocco

Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (1964) by Lloyd Ruocco

Liebhardt, Frederick & Marianne Residence (1951) by Frederick Liebhardt & Eugene Weston

House being demolished next to Scripps Institute of Oceanography

Monsees Professional Building (1959) by Frederick Liebhardt & Eugene Weston

Compact Houses by Herbert Brownell

Compact Houses by Herbert Brownell

Compact Houses by Herbert Brownell

Unknown in Pacific Beach

Unknown in Ocean Beach

Bailin Residence (1961) by Maggy Thomas Associates in Ocean Beach

Rhoda Lopez in Point Loma

Spec Houses 3 and 1 (above) by John Reed
If you find yourself in San Diego and want to see some architecture, Modern San Diego is the place to go. Keith York has put together a comprehensive and always growing list by architect and neighborhood. It's how I know where to go.

If you happen to be in San Diego tonight, Keith is doing a talk on Frank Hope's architecture legacy at the San Diego History Center.
Read more and RSVP here.