JB Blunk / House

Blunk House in Inverness, California
J.B. Blunk built the house from 1957 to 1962, by hand.

This wasn't my first trip to the house. Almost 10 years ago I ate from Point Reyes cheese on Blunk plates with Mariah Nielson (J.B.'s daughter) and Tanya Aguiniga. I still get the chills thinking about it.

A young J.B.

Blunk cups. I had coffee in one.

J.B. made the Bizen ware cup on the left in Japan.

The details are everything

Every square inch of the house is a testament to Blunk's talent. Right down to the doorknobs.

That's me brushing my teeth in the best sink ever.

I took a shower outdoors. Craft geek nirvana was reached.

Ceramic soap holder

Christine Nielsen, Mariah's mother and a textile artist. She was with J.B. for over 30 years, until his passing in 2002. Christine and her husband Keez made my visit to this incredible home even more special, if that's even possible.

A weaving by Christine. She spent a lot of time in Oaxaca, Mexico working with indigenous artisans.

Keez, on a sofa built by Mariah's husband Max. The base is a headboard that J.B. never completed. The pillows are by Christine.

Learn more: J.B. Blunk