Palm Springs Modernism / 2018

The 2018 Palm Springs Modernism show

It's always great to see an Eames ESU 4 stacker.

Allen Ditson and some Scandi stuff. I guess Finn Juhl is cool.

Funkis had a great booth, as usual. Ken almost sold out.

This was one of my favorite things at the show.

Ruth Duckworth, in bronze

The J.B. Blunk corner at Reform

Bernard Rosenthal plaque

It was Converso's 15th year of doing the show.
He showed some great classics.

20C Design from Texas

Their fiber game was strong.

They also had this Bonniers iron bowl by Isamu Noguchi (probably)

MoModerne from St. Louis brought this Ray Eames catch all. A super rare form.

BILLINGS with Damama

Hunt Modern from Santa Fe had some serious top shelf merchandise.

Lots of straps