Espenet Studio / Bolinas

Arthur Espenet Carpenter (1920-2006) built his studio in 1960, across the street from the Bolinas Lagoon. It now operates as a museum and workshop for Espenet's son, Tripp Carpenter

Espenet at work.
Source: Education of a Woodsmith by Arthur Espenet Carpenter (Author), Linda Moore and Tripp Carpenter (Editor)

Vintage photo of the workshop and circular showroom.
Source: Education of a Woodsmith

Some of the work on display is by Tripp and others are vintage pieces by his father.

Espenet also built a circular house on the adjacent property, but ended living in the structure below that he built next to his workshop.
Source: Life

What it looked like when Espenet lived there.
Source: Education of a Woodsmith

Learn more about Espenet Furniture, here