The Landing / Myrton Purkiss

Myrton Purkiss: Paintings on Clay, 1930 - 1960 The Landing at Reform Opening Reception: Thursday, February 7th, 6 - 9 pm On Display: February 7th - March 28th For the second show at The Landing, Gerard O'Brien is reaching into his private stash of ceramics by Myrton Purkiss. Originally from Canada, Purkiss ended up calling Fullerton, California home. He studied under Glen Lukens at Fullerton High School and at USC. He was drafted into the allied forces in WWII and served as a cartographer in Europe where he extended his interest in ceramics by visiting potters in England and France. As a 29 year-old veteran, Purkiss returned to Fullerton and opened a small ceramics shop in his backyard. Mryton's form of choice was the hand-painted plate. That form was transformed into a clay painting with an addition of a looped wire on the back after a woman commented that his plates were too nice to use. ...