J.R. Davidson / Kingsley

The Kingsley Jr. House by architect Julius Ralph (J.R.) Davidson, 1947 Davidson was also selected to design Case Study House #1. In fact, he designed it twice. Read more here . He also designed Case Study Houses #11 and #15. LAMA w ill be auctioning off some of the original furniture from the home, including custom pieces designed by the architect. You can read more about the Kingsley house on LAMA's blog: Fate of J. R. Davidson House In Peril By the way, if aren't already on the the LAMA mailing list , you should be. Photo: Julius Shulman Source: Getty Research Institute Current photo of the Kingsley Jr. House The house with 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths and a pool in Pacific Palisades sold earlier this month for $4,560,000. At that price chances are the house will be destroyed or altered beyond recognition. This is a real shame because it's the only unaltered house left...