Lustig / Exhibition

In 1949 Alvin Lustig designed a display system for an exhibition of his design work.
Image: Display

The exhibition toured to a number of museums, universities and galleries.
Image: Display

The first stop was the A-D Gallery in New York
Alvin Lustig: An Exhibition of His Work, 1949

Alvin Lustig: An Exhibition of His Work,
Frank Perls Gallery in Los Angeles, 1950

Lustig Exhibit at the Walker Art Center, 1950
Image: Born Modern: The Life and Design of Alvin Lustig

Entrance to the exhibit at the Walker Art Center
Image: Everyday Art Quarterly, Walker Art Center

Lustig Mural at the Walker Art Center
Image: Born Modern: The Life and Design of Alvin Lustig

There was an article about the exhibition at the Walker Art Center in the museum's Everyday Art Quarterly periodical.

Image: Display