J.R. Davidson / Kingsley

The Kingsley Jr. House by architect Julius Ralph (J.R.) Davidson, 1947
Davidson was also selected to design Case Study House #1. In fact, he designed it twice. Read more here.
He also designed Case Study Houses #11 and #15.
LAMA will be auctioning off some of the original furniture from the home, including custom pieces designed by the architect.
You can read more about the Kingsley house on LAMA's blog: Fate of J. R. Davidson House In Peril
By the way, if aren't already on the the LAMA mailing list, you should be.
Photo: Julius Shulman
Source: Getty Research Institute

Current photo of the Kingsley Jr. House
The house with 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths and a pool in Pacific Palisades sold earlier this month for $4,560,000.
At that price chances are the house will be destroyed or altered beyond recognition.
This is a real shame because it's the only unaltered house left by J.R. Davidson.
Image: MLS

Photo: Julius Shulman
Source: LAMA

Custom lamp from the Kingsley house. Lot 37 at May 19th LAMA sale.
Source: LAMA

Custom table by J.R. Davidson, Lot 39.
Source: LAMA

There's the lamp and table.
Photo: Julius Shulman
Source: LAMA

Still there in the real estate listing.
Image: MLS

Image: MLS

VKG in the 1947 shot.
Photo: Julius Shulman
Source: Getty Research Institute

Image: MLS

Photo: Julius Shulman
Source: Getty Research Institute

Photo: Julius Shulman
Source: Getty Research Institute

These Eames DKX-1 chairs will be in the LAMA auction as well (Lot 8).
Image: MLS

The pool house was designed by Davidson almost a decade after the main house.
Image: MLS