Lautner / Wright / Bradley

My friend Darren Bradley, who is an amazing photographer, just started a blog, Modernist Architecture.
You should definitely check it out often. The newest post on ecclesiastical modern architecture is really good.
This is his photo of the Hotel Lautner in Desert Hot Springs, by John Lautner, 1947.
Photo: Darren Bradley

As Darren points out in his post, Lautner belonged to Frank Lloyd Wright's Fellowship.
He apprenticed under Wright from 1933-1939. The influence is hard to miss.
Photo: Darren Bradley
Wright's office at Taliesin West

This is the shelter Lautner built and lived in at Taliesin West, 1937.
Photo: John Lautner

John Lautner, Mauer House, 1946- A year before the Desert Hot Springs project.
Photo: Save Wright