Fulton Mall / Needs Your Help

Stan Bitters quote from back in the day. It still holds true. 
Time is running out to show your support for modern art, architecture, and historic preservation. The City's plan is not only a waste of tax dollars, but is also based on outdated planning principles. Please donate to put a stop to the destruction of The Fulton Mall in Downtown Fresno.
The 1000 Friends of Fresno is filing a lawsuit against the City of Fresno. For this to happen, they need to raise $25,000. They are more than halfway to their goal, but they need your help.
Donate here.
Stan is leading the charge to save The Fulton Mall.  He says... "If we don't act fast, the mall is kaput."

If he were still around, Peter Voulkos would be opening up a can of whoop-ass on the City of Fresno.

Big A, Peter Voulkos 
Under the City's preferred option,17 of the 20 existing sculptures would be relocated. There will be asphalt here instead of this sculpture.

Claire Falkenstein would not be happy to hear that her sculptures have been removed from the mall due to a lack of maintenance.
Source: Claire Falkenstein, The Falkenstein Foundation

The missing Falkenstein fountain.
More about that, here.

There's no doubt George Tsutakawa would rather have kids playing on his fountain than have it ripped out and paved over to create another generic commercial strip.
Source: University of Washington 
Say good bye to the Tsutakawa sculptural fountain. Garrett Eckbo designed the surrounding pool.

Jan de Swart would not be smiling today if he knew that  the central plaza, which is now home to the Clock Tower he designed, will be an intersection if the City of Fresno gets their way. 

More information on this potential disaster can be found here.

Donate here.

As always, visit Save the Fulton Mall for more information.