LACMA Symposium / Living in a Modern Way
I was able to catch the last few presenters at LACMA's symposium, New Narratives for “Living in a Modern Way ”: California Design at Mid -C entury I'm bummed I missed the rest. Staci Steinberger from LACMA did a presentation on African-American designers and craftspeople in Los Angeles, which included information on Tony Hill, John Smith and Doyle Lane (slide above). The ads for Tony Hill's ceramics are all over Arts & Architecture magazine. It was good to get some information on him. Individualism vs. Capitalism Craft geek guru Glenn Adamson from the Victoria & Albert Museum ended the symposium with a thought provoking presentation on California Design after 1965. Adamson used this California Design 8 photo of a Sam Maloof executive chair, with its back to the camera in a tree grove, to illustrate the uncomfortable position of the individual craftsman in a modern capitali...