Arthur T Brown / Tucson Modernism

Also on the Tucson Modernism Week architecture tour was the Ball-Paylore house (1952) by Arthur T Brown.
The Tucson Historic Preservation Foundation recently purchased the house and it is such a great original example of Brown's architecture. It has only had two owners in its history. Two Librarians, Phyllis Ball and Patricia Paylore were the original clients. In 1990, Phyllis and Henry Koffler bought the house. Henry was the president of the University of Arizona and it was used as a guest house to host visiting scholars. Tucson Historic Preservation Foundation purchased the house and will be restoring it. At just over 1200 square feet, the house was in danger of redevelopment.

The hexagonal structure utilizes moveable sun shade as a form of passive solar technology.

Source: Maynard Parker via The Huntington

The aluminum lounge in the back can be seen in the black and white photo above.

Yes, the backs are on upside down. It happens to the best of them.

All the George Nelson and Eames furniture are a perfect match for the architecture.

Source: Maynard Parker via The Huntington
The Parker photos were used for a 1962 House Beautiful article, "For Two Busy People: a $16,225 House for a Difficult Climate"