Eames Tag / Detroit
My friend Kristen Gallerneaux Brooks sent me this Eames tag from the Packard Motor Car Company plant in Detroit.
It's a screen shot from a film she did called Get In My Car & Drive: Nowhere in Detroit. You can watch it here.
The plant, designed by Albert Kahn, closed in 1956
Image: Single Fire Speed
Current state of the Packard plant
Image: metalocus
Motor City
Image: metalocus
Charles and Ray actually drove Fords for most of there lives, though the last cars they owned were a Jaguar and Mercedes.
In 1954 Charles wrote a letter to Henry Ford II about his concern with Ford's selection at the time. The letter says Charles
Image: PBS
Charles in his Mercedes
Image: Eames Outtakes: L.A. Unrestrained (embedded below)
Charles rolling by 901 Washington Blvd/ The Eames Office
Apparently Ray was hell on wheels.