Eames Tag / Detroit

My friend Kristen Gallerneaux Brooks sent me this Eames tag from the Packard Motor Car Company plant in Detroit. 
It's a screen shot from a film she did called Get In My Car & Drive: Nowhere in DetroitYou can watch it here.

The plant, designed by Albert Kahn, closed in 1956

Current state of the Packard plant
Image: metalocus

Motor City
Image: metalocus

Charles and Ray actually drove Fords for most of there lives, though the last cars they owned were a Jaguar and Mercedes.
In 1954 Charles wrote a letter to Henry Ford II about his concern with Ford's selection at the time. The letter says Charles 
had been driving Fords since 1929, and Ford convertibles since 1941.  The letter can be found here.   
Image: PBS

Charles in his Mercedes
Image: Eames Outtakes: L.A. Unrestrained (embedded below) 

Charles rolling by 901 Washington Blvd/ The Eames Office
Image: Eames Outtakes: L.A. Unrestrained (embedded below) 

Apparently Ray was hell on wheels.