Schindler / Elliot House

Elliot House by R.M. Schindler (1930)
Part of a tour conducted by the MAK Center

At this point the house exterior is totally obscured by trees, so here is a 1980 Shulman photo.
Photo: Julius Shulman, Getty Research Institute

During construction
Source: The Furniture of R.M. Schindler by Berns/Gebhard

Source: The Furniture of R.M. Schindler by Berns/Gebhard

 This 1980 Julius Shulman photo was commissioned by realtor and architecture preservationist Bob Crane
Photo: Julius Shulman, Getty Research Institute

This is what it looked like in 1980
Photo: Julius Shulman, Getty Research Institute

You'll notice this detail was gone (or covered up) in 1980. 
Source: The Furniture of R.M. Schindler by Berns/Gebhard

Now it's back, including the desk. Why anyone would have removed it is beyond me. 
The house was restored by Marmol Radziner. More on that, here.

1930 - The railing through the desk is so great.
Source: The Furniture of R.M. Schindler by Berns/Gebhard

I guess people were shorter in the 30s because the desk is a lot higher now. I think Marmol Radziner did a great job bringing this house back to looking like a Schindler, but I'm going to get a little nit-picky here.  In the original configuration (a few photos above) the top of the desk lined up with the bottom of the piece around the corner, almost like a puzzle. Now it doesn't. I guess it's not that bad if you didn't know. I'm a jerk. In other news, look at that girl at the bottom of the stairs giving me the eye. Actually, she's probably trying to stay out of the photo. 

This is one of the photos that was out on the table above.

I'm pretty sure this Schindler chair is a reissue. There are some stools too. They look great.

This is an original Frank Lloyd Wright chair. It's nice to have the boss's chair in the house. 

I wanted to hang out in this backyard for the rest of the day.

Stan Bitters bird shelter.  The owners know how to accessorize.. 

Garage at street level. The poop shed was for tour attendees. Not great for picture taking, but people have needs.