Schindler / How House

How House by R.M. Schindler (1925)
This was part of a tour conducted by the MAK Center

The parallel horizontal path runs along just about every exterior and interior wall.

Concrete and redwood

That satellite dish above this back patio is a real bummer. That should be a violation of the Mills Act! Schindler would have figured out a clever way to hide that thing, besides in the obvious place- the trash. 
Skylight for the lower level


The house was meticulously restored, which included the recreation of the original furnishings (based on Schindler's plans). This happened in the late 1980's and/or early 2000's (conflicting sources). Anyway, by 2009 the rebuilt furnishings ended up for sale at LAMA. The fate of the original furniture is unknown. 

It definitely has a different feel without the Schindler furniture.

Nakashima in the house.  They also had some cool art.

Downstairs reading nook

The backside

The very backside. 
Incredible house!